Hi, im using black berry z10 black berry is good mobile but some problem are in there and the problem is when we want to share something so we use only bluetooth and in android phone we use share it xender flash transfer like apps but in blackberry we do not use this app we share our files only bluetooth if we want share so we do many things download in our phones after all this mobile is perfect for a bussiness man we use this for our oresentation and the best feature is the mobile this mobile was not hang easilly and this was is the best feature whoes I found so suggest many people for using this app black berry has no play store so we not download many apps in our phone we download plaY store but this process is very long black berry is good phone this feature was goooood this look was great when we go out side many people saw this phone black berry z10 is 4g phone and lte system was in this black has diifrent features blackberry lock feature is best picture lock whoes crack very difficult but this phone was best blackck berry camera was best front camera is bestest black berry setting was advance interjection this feature uses senser in you device to detect action and perfome simple task
black berry was os system in black berry has black berry hub in which very feature found when we want found something we go in the black berry hub
black berry was use full mobile even as an email/sms/calling phone this is very good bcoz of the HUB however if u need other app then get as a second phone that allow you to no needs to spend tons of money
if whats app facebook and some other app are not going to work from 31 december 2016
the only use phone will be talikng phone calls and textmasseges photo grphy etc.
at least if they work proprly this phone will be steal be better than other phone bcoz its not lagging bieng stucked over all this phone was ok by far the best phone I ever had u cant beat black berry if u are thinking about buying this phone ask me
Awesome phone