What is the system of yoga practised in Sahaj Marg?
This is the ancient system of raja yoga - the yoga of the mind. It is the king among yogas as it seeks to lead to self-realisation through regulation, refinement and eventual divinisation of the mind. The ancient system of raja yoga of Patanjali had eight steps. They were: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Only after perfecting the first six stages (a moral and ethical life, right posture, breath control, withdrawal of senses from their outgoing tendencies, and focussing the mind within oneself), was the spiritual aspirant initiated into meditation (dhyana) through which one was expected to go into the last stage called samadhi (Self-absorption).
Sahaj Marg is the ancient raja yoga modified and simplified to suit the lifestyles of modern human beings, particularly the grihastha (householder). Here an aspirant is inducted into meditation directly, bypassing the preliminary stages mentioned above. Besides, the goal of sadhana (spiritual practice) has also been extended far beyond samadhi as will be discussed later.
Why is it called Sahaj Marg?
The system goes by the name of Sahaj Marg (the natural or the simple way) because it integrates ones physical, mental and spiritual aspects without employing any pressure or force. It does not call for austerities, self-denial, penance, external renunciation, celibacy, etc. The Masters (gurus) of our system have been householders themselves and they have taught us that people must live full and natural lives (without any extremes) which can then carry them with the current of Nature towards the ultimate goal of existence.
What is the need for a guru or a Master? Can we not do spiritual sadhana by ourselves and attain the goal?
Sahaj Marg believes in the need for a Master of the highest reach who is available in human form in our lifetime. For most human beings, it is not possible to attain the goal by following what is written in books. One who is familiar with the way and has attained the goal himself can guide others on this difficult spiritual journey which is full of pitfalls of ego and self-deception. Unless we leave our sense of ego and self-sufficiency behind and learn to depend totally on the guide, attainment of the goal will be next to impossible.
How can I find such a Master?
The founder of this Mission, Shri Ram Chandraji (also known as Babuji Maharaj), has stated that earnest prayer to God for such a Master (guru) will bring him to your door.
When I find him, how will I know that he is the one I should follow?
Primarily by testing the system of sadhana which he helps you to practise. If you find that it is effective in bringing about speedy inner change and moderation of your negative tendencies, you will naturally understand the level of attainment and capacity of the Master behind the system of sadhana. In Sahaj Marg, a new entrant is advised to sincerely practise sadhana for a minimum period of three months to be able to judge its effectiveness.
The System and The Masters What is the need for such sadhana when we already have our religions and scriptures?
The founder, Shri Ram Chandraji of Shahjahanpur, has stated that God cannot be found within the fold of any form, name, religion, place of worship, or scriptures, and that He has to be found in the innermost chamber of the human heart. Religion is like the nursery school where we get some basic idea of God, the need for a moral life, modes of worshipping Him, etc.
Babuji said that spirituality begins where religion ends. Spirituality transcends the names, forms and attributes of God which human imagination has devised for Him through the centuries. The real God, according to Sahaj Marg, is the Subtlest - beyond the reach of our mind and senses, formless, nameless and attributeless - but yet within the experience of the human being.
In Sahaj Marg spiritual sadhana, therefore, we seek to experience the Real as It is. This we hope to achieve through a process which progressively dilutes and dissolves ones ego consciousness. So, when we become like That in our nature, we start experiencing or feeling at one with That which is within us.
Basically, Sahaj Marg meditation reconnects the human mind with the Divine Presence in the heart and paves the way for our transformation. This link brings the Divine nature and power to bear on our ego/identity which gets erased gradually. The Divine that is present in us starts manifesting in our thoughts and actions.
for furthur details refer www, srcm.org.
senthil kumar.G