I had a worst experience, I received the order yesterday out of which 1 product is already expired, 2nd products price label was tore, so I cant see whether is safe to eat or no, 3rd product was delived which was manufured 3 months ago so I have only 1 and half time to use it, and 4th product was almost into powdered condition, in short I have got a pathetic experience and products because of this moron company grofer. Today in the morning they gave me refund for three product as there was no availability, and 1 product was arranged for exchange, now I had extremely bad experience and they are just giving me refund of my money, what abt the compensation, and also when I spoke to one of executive of grofers named preeti and told her that I will accept the exchange order but will not return the one that I have because you guys must compensate me, she immediately cancelled the exchange order and also as promised by her she will initiate the delivery charges in my account even thats not done. If I would have eaten those expired products without checking and something would have happen to me or my family member then who would have taken the responsibility, at this moment grofer is not ready to compensate me tommorrow if I go and sue the company at that time even the owner will call me and compensate whatever amount that I say, I need a proper compensation or else legal ways are always open. Below are the photographs