This hospital just has big building and nothing else .
My sister was 10 months pregnant and she was taken to hospital.
The foolish doctor who is a gynecologist said that I dont have time please come next Tuesday. When my sis went through a test, it stated that baby was already pushing and making movements to come out and she still made them wait as she had to go some where.
My sis went to hosp. at 9 a.m and her operation started at 1 p.m.
Due to that delay, the baby damaged his lungs pushing him out and my sis crying in pain when the doc did a Cesarean and just to show they kept the baby on ventilator that baby is ok but the baby was already dead.
This fuc*ing doctors were the cause of our loss. Please do not go to this hospital they only want money. They take 1.5 lakh from us and gave us the dead body.
I am right now just crying or abusing the fuc*ing doctors!
Please dont ever go to this hospital I beg you. If u dont want to lose your loved ones.
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh