I dont use Blogger.com because I cut out the items I like to keep.
I have visited Blogger.com and it is very interesting to read, what other people have to say, on their sites.You can express yourself on any topic because there is no one to stop you. You dont need any writing material, dictionary or spell checks.
Blogger comes from a term that means written records. Some people think you have to be a computer addict, to have a Blogger page. I dont agree with that.
I would love to have a page, I just dont like to put my name on the web, in to many places, because I find my e-mail box gets filled with spam.
What Is A Blogger?
A younger blogger likes to see the news right now. Thats why MTV had 3 blogger announcers, broadcasting from the Democratic Convention, in Boston, last week.
A blogger saves things they like.
Younger people like to do it on the net.
Some people write in diaries, note pads, or even doodle iO/\/\/.
I am blind in one eye and I find it easier to save the things I like in my Memory Books.
If I Had My Own Bloogers Page I Would Put These Type Of Things
Make today extraordinarily special, just like you.
If you laugh every day, you will have more days to laugh.
It doesnt matter what you look like, your good heart makes you beautiful.
Dont let rejection stop you, try and try again.
Its easier to give than to receive. Make some one happy today, and receive what they want to give you today. It may be love, a hug or a smile.
Success is often an idea away.
Practice some ordinary magic today... smile!
Spend some time today, with someone you love... yourself! Then ask yourself what is important to you...and listen to the answer.
Open yourself to all possibilities and they become realities.
Allow yourself to be less than perfect..... phew... what a relief!
If I Could Animate I’d Like A Site Like This One
Most of you know that there will be an election in the United States, this November. The funniest political cartoon Ive seen is this one:
https://politicalhumor.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=politicalhumor&zu=http%3A%2F%2F http://www.jibjab.com
There are a lot more funny Blog things on this site, so Blog away.
If you are a Blogger
You can edit your own site.
If you have a Blogsite, you can submit it to Google, at:
https:// google.com/addurl.html
Even if you arent a blogger, every review you post on MouthShut, is posted on Goole.
Why Did I Write This Review
I wrote this review to prove to you that a short review can be as interesting as a longer one.
My Final Thoughts
If you like to save things you write or like on the internet I recommend you go to Bloggers.com
I hope this review made you smile, because I wanted to give you something today. I hope you will accept my gift.
Im rating this site 5 *s because it is a fun site. To me anything that is fun and makes you happy, is a good thing.
Thank you for reading this review.