When I went to see this movie I thought it would be a typical Hollywood humdrum movie but I was truly surprised to see a **slick action movie with a definite message.
The movie is fast paced and the violence and action might make you confused about the REAL message of the movie. To bring you to understand the movie a little better, here is the true " message" behind the whole movie concept.
The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme(KPCS) is a process designed to certify the origin of diamonds from sources which are free of conflict. The process was established in 2002 to prevent rebel groups and their rivals from financing their war aims from diamond sales. The certification scheme aims at preventing these "conflict diamonds (also known as "blood diamonds") from entering the mainstream rough diamond market. It was set up to try to assure consumers that by purchasing diamonds they were not financing war and human rights abuses.
The KPCS originated from a meeting of Southern African diamond producing states in Kimberley, South Africa in May 2000. In December of 2000 the General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution calling for the creation of a scheme that would allow certification of diamonds that had not been sold in order to finance civil war. The KPCS was finally agreed upon by nations involved in the trade of diamond and diamond-mining and production companies, notably De Beers and the World Diamond Council, in November 2002.
So at the end of this thrilling action movie, you will think twice about buying diamonds and if you do intend buying diamonds make sure it is **"conflict free diamonds".
Enjoy the movie at a cinema hall near you. Best enjoyed in Full screen.*