For the first time we have a very bold content of a film which you can see and cry "EXPOSED".
The setting, the visuals and the theme of the film.(reddish pink hue seen deep in the uncut diamond, henceblood diamond) are so well thought of and filmed that each frame reveals the hunger in the people after the diamonds, anger on the faces of the oppressed and a brutal careless attitude on the faces of the miliants who force the locals(children alike) to do things you would not do normally.
DI Caprio is excellent as a maverick, thrown out of the army and now behind money in the land of the diamonds. Honsou is brilliant right from the first frame to the last. His expressions of anguish, anger, sorrow say a lot(in fact he has virtually no dialogues in the film except a few words!). Conelley is beautiful and not a very bright part of the storyline but for the reunion of Vendy and his family and a romantic interest for Di Caprio.
The Story begins with the anguish of the small tribe at Sierra Leone and our protagonist beng taken in custody of the militants for findng diamonds in the river. The saga of him loosing his family and also his son to the militants is heart wrenching. The mysterious way that he finds the BLOOD DIAMOND, and the peole who come to know of its existence and how they track him is the story.
Breathtaking locales, aerial photography and last but not the least a very graphic filming of the massacre and the way children are subjected to submit to the militants is not only engrossing but heart wrenching!
Its a must see for all the above.