The Upcoming Bollywood Movie "Blood Money" is a thriller film which is directed by Vishal Mahadkar, and produced by Mukesh Bhatt. The Lead roles are played by film stars Kunal Khemu and Amrita Puri. The Movie will be released as per the schedule around the end of this month on 30th March 2012.
Cast Performance:
) *Kunal Khemu as Kunal Kadam
) *Amrita Puri as Arzoo
) *Manish Choudhary
) *Shekher Shukla
The Bollywood film is all about a simple & young man “Kunal Khemu” who is played a main role as Kunal, who is in love with the star cast “Amrita Puri” played a role as Arzoo, that sounds interesting. The Story line is same as almost all the Hindi movies as her parents do not allowed her to marry with Kunal. The reason is He is not so successful in his life. As a result, they run away from home & gets married, and shifted to Cape Town(Which is the second-most populous city in South Africa). For living, Kunal starts working in a small business of diamond-exporting. He used to work very hard for his life but he was unaware that when he has been taken into the Under world slowly slowly!
From there, How he managed himself to overcome & gets well set again, all this picturized in a very well manner in the Film.
As it’s a Bhatt’s Production, then Of course, where there are Bhatt’s movie, there is melodious soundtrack, irrespective of whether the movie is fab or flop. Ryte?
Even the disasters the Bhatt camp have come up with boasted of sound music, so despite low star power, there are few expectations from Blood Money.
Almost every one of should aware about a great fusion Rahat Fateh Ali Khan’s voice and Jeet Ganguly’s composition. Rahat Fateh Ali Khan’s "Chaahat" is one hit that has rocked the records. After that comes “Gunah” by Mustafa Zahid. Which starts off as a soft beat, the song takes a full guitar blend at the end. Both the Songs are well composed by “Jeet Ganguly”. This brilliant composer presents a blend of western n eastern music.
There is another Sound track “Arzoo”** which is quite typical of Bhatt’s songs such as “Bheegey Hont Tere” & “Tu Hi Meri Shab” etc. The song is easy to get on tongue and has beautiful chords and rhythm. The album Blood Money which was already released on February 19, 2012 has a whole list on songs that are amazing. Hence, it is hard to point out which one is the best one. It was composed by Jeet Ganguly, Pranay, Sangeet Haldipur and Siddharth Haldipur and lyrics were penned by Sayeed Quadri, Kumaar.
Though the Movie is not inspired by any Hollywood blockbuster, but it seems that it promising with the impressive and exciting tracks that it has, one feels it is bound to become a hit with little or no room for doubt.