I was looking for rate the service as WORST, Unfortunately I found the option as POOR.
When I ordered the product from infibeam.com (very good online shopping portal, they always do the things what they commit) they shipped the same within 2 days, the product was to be delivered from Delhi to Rajkot, and I dont know why I took 6 long days for arrival.
On the 4th day I called customer service of bluedart, they told the product will be delivered on the next day, again it was not delivered, so I called on 5th day again they again product will be delivered on the next day, then finally I got the product on 6th day.
I am sure we prefer to do online shopping for following benefits,
1) Best Price/Deals.
2) Wide variety of payment options like free COD.
3) Replacement warranty
4) Anytime shopping
But whats the benefit when the product doesnt get delivered in timely manner???
Is there anyone BLUEDART employee here who can provide me the reason???