Dont at all go for it.They will not even call you when ur shipment is arrived. they simply return it if u r not available
The service is horrible. I used bluedart 3 times but not once I got delivered product.I purchased one product online which is to be delivered by bluedart. It was my insurance policy documents. But these guys refused to give delivery to my home saying that they dont have service and asked me to collect from their office.
Once I was not able to collect from thier office then they send it back to company but didnt bother to deliver it to me.
In another case I ordered eyeglasses online.that too was to be delivered by bluedart and imagine what.these guys was not able to deliver my item in Pune city.can u imagine that.wait thats not end.their agent told me to collect the same from the office which is 20km far from my home.
Disappointed from the service.will never user again.These guys sucks.dont use them at all if u dont want headache.