(quite late... but just found this site...)
a con con here and a con con there,
here a con, there a con,
everywhere a con con...
old R Sippy made a film, eeya eeya yo! title itself says, bluffmaster... so obviously its a con film! a slickly made con film.... nice script too... (thank god, after the nikki disaster) ... everyone knows it starts Abhishek, Priyanka, Riteish, Nana and Boman. *loads of fun and laughter.... cast is perfect for their characters.... (introduced very stylishly!)pretty nicely paced... not too slow and not too fast....Musics cool... took the audio cd and saw it had a dozen songs! ithot, wo! how would sippy fit all that in the movie... thankfully, hehasnt. apart from 3-4, the rest have been incorporated as backgroundscores.... so, doesnt affect the pace of the movie much.... aint saying anything coz u guys gotta watch it... trust me, its fun! if its total TP u seeking, watch it....