Read some reviews on Bluffmaster here and dont want to narrate the plot as almost everybody knows it by now. I will instead write a brief and simple review that can be useful for people who want to watch it..
The movie is all about a swindler who is bluffed very badly for a good motive..
Bluffmaster is worth watching for many reasons:
Humour in almost every scene through out and you can enjoy them anytime you see them..
Songs are neither noisy nor involve dancing around trees, but a part of the screenplay which are quite enjoyable and U end up humming the theme music out of the theatre !
The plot and direction look as if they are some flaws till the climax, but it forms the crux of the movie and is definitely an eyeopener !!
And yes, after a long time came a movie that has no skin show nor intimate so called love scenes and it defines a pure family entertainer !!!
The performances are too natural and an amazing star cast is another plus point.
On the whole, BLUFFMASTER is total timepass and worth watching..
Rohan sippy has done a commendable job and it generates more interest for his next film based on Chetan Bhagats bestseller one night@the call center.
Hope it will be worth the wait....