BMW is going to launch their new Bike G 310 . The German company is producing this bike with the help of TVS in India . The bike will be launch in India in march of this year . price will be near about 3 lakh . It has 4 strokes liquid cooled engine . this engine is capable to develope a maximum power of 34 BHP with a peak torque of 28 Nm . Its Mileage is not too much low it gives 20-25 KMPL mileage . it means you can afford this . It has 6 speed gear box you also it has 313 cc displacement engine you can raise your top speed with huge initial . Whereas it is high speed bike so it has Double disc break . it has Anti locking breaking system . Spedeometre and odometre is digital in this bike . I am giving 4 rating out of 5 .