Boat is a famous brand for headphones. Boat provieds us amazing headphones . Basshead 900 is one of those amazing headphones but it has some minus points anf many many plus points I told u all of this in my review point to point
Minus point
1.It's build quality is not too good ??
2.It's ages are too sharp it's hurmfull for some cashes I straggle that????
Plus point
1.Basshead 900 has ulta bass it's bass is amazing I love it so mutch ????????????
2.It's sound quality is too good.??????
3.The cable is tangel resistent and so strong I also using this headphone now
4.It's too compact , that easy to carry
5.basshead 900 is only 150g, too light ??
6.It's provieds you amazing listening experience from 20 tp 20000 Hz
If I stated to tell it's plus points I cat stop so am quit my review I think u like my review
And last thing u can by it from amazon it's just 750 in amazon???????? hurry up friends
Boat BassHeads 900 Wired Headphone with Mic https: // cm_ sw_ r_ cp_ apa_ i_ 3TocDbV9GJSV3