It was inquisitiveness than anything else that led me to this place.
While passing by the gurudwara, I used to often spot huge crowds waiting outside a shack. Decided to check it out myself but had to return disappointed as the place was booked till midnight. We persevered the next time waiting from 8pm onwards in a shabby, congested space outside but consoled ourselves that its going to be a worthwhile experience.
We recalled the wonderful Punjabi food weve had in Delhi and Punjab and thought that if this is half as good - it would be worth the mosquitoe bites. We finally were ushered into the dinghy, smoky shack and food was served immediately as the order was taken during our long wait.
I do not recall having eaten such lousy fare in the recent past - the only tasty offering was the Amul buttermilk that was served. The best Punjabi food on offer in Bangalore, according to me, is at Degchi on Banaswadi Road and compared to the excellent food there - this was actiually non palatable. Still makes me wonder why people flock there and waste their weekends on the roadside to enter the most suffocating room in the city just to eat lousy food!