Ok Ok Ok...now they have just done it... Not only does bollywood suck at the service as these guys are saying above as well. Those guys freaking give those popup ads... like come on now you are making a ton of cash ... adding those cheesy freaking popup stuff...
ADDED 140 sypwares on my computer
Now that is just insane.. as soon as you go there a window pops up and next you know your computer is affected with spyware... Even adaware coudnt take this off... I think I still have some left cause my computer is slow... Just becauase I hate those guys... I would advise anyone joining or thinking of joining to their competitors... MovieDesi.com .....
I had already joined <a href= http://www.Moviedesi.com>movieDesi.com</a> before I went to see Bollygrounds.com... after reading these reviews... oh wat a mistake...I think you guys writting the reviews should also let users know that bolly grounds is going to install spyware on you computer..because they wanna make 5 cents from these F*ers installing their advertising softwares....
Its not that I really really like MovieDesi.com I just really hate BollyFnuts...
Just like... I am not a vegetarian because I love animals... I just hate plants..hahhahahha!