Oh well .. I disagree with previous posts ....
Firstly, it depends on what connection you have .. You cant expect to stream a movie from a dial up connection ..
Ive a cable connection from insightbb for $45/mo, 350kb/sec max dld and 15kb/sec max upload ..
I can download of bollygrounds.com at 350kb/sec ... i.e. my max download rate ..
And if you play around a bit youll figure out that there is a way to download off thier website too ... Well .. if you didnt know .. . once u stream and watch the whole movie, the file is saved in your Temporary Internet Files folder ...
Yes on very rare occasions do I find it slow for me ...
You might want to try this as a solution ..
When the bollygrounds.com movie player starts up (i.e. after you select what movie u wanna watch and click it) , right click on the movie player box and click Properties ... Click on the tabs on that box until you find something like https://bollygrounds.com/movies/asx/hulchal.asx ... or something very similar (hulchal is the movie name here) ..
Now highlight and copy that whole url ..
Open Windows Media Player ---> Click on File ----> Click Open Url and in the box paste the url you had copied from bollygrounds ..
and you have to modify it to
as you can see its the movie name followed by part1.asx ... now if you hit enter it will slowly buffer up the movie .. wait for 2 min .. then click on File and then hit Save Media as .. and it will allow you to chose the folder you wanna save the file in .. the file name will always be part1 .. and youll have to let it download at whateva pace it is capable of from you connection (You can do this and go to office) ..
All bollygrounds movies have 3 parts as ive noticed .. so after the first part is done you can put the second part for download ... youll have to modify the url to part2.asx in the end ... and same way for the third part .. i.e. part3.asx and viola ..... your movie is saved .. ..
Hope this helps ..