Its a story of struggling people who wish to enter in boolywood and want to be successful. The story starts with ashish vidyarthee who is a theatre artist but leaves theatre to get married and settled. Soon after his daughter gets married he moves to mumbai to find a chance in bollywood but gets trapped by destiny as he is diaganosed with cancer.
Raima sen plays a sex worker in kolkata but is trying to get into bollywood by impressing her clients.
Vineet kumar a new director looking for a break in bollywood finds raima sen and promises to give her a lead role.
Salim diwan a bpo worker bored of his routine life finds a chance in an audition to get into bollywood.
What happens to all of them. Did they succeed or fail. To know this you have to watch the film.
The direction is good, mucic is okay, plot and screenplay could have been better.