If it wasn’t for the cat, the dog really wouldn’t have had his day and if it wasn’t for the TV, humans would never have turned their eyes away from reality. Much to do with canine and feline reality!
That is ‘Bolt’ for you. Being true to its name, ‘Bolt’ keeps you fasten to your seats during its two hour joy ride. No matter what, this movie does not allow you to look away from the screen for a second. In an awe-inspiring enterprise, Walt Disney delivers a power packed animation movie that is one of the finest animation movies ever made.
Bolt begins with a bang. In a terrifically shot chase sequence, you are introduced to Bolt, a super dog (voice by John Travolta) and his human companion Penny (voice by Miley Cyrus). The entire sequence increases the adrenaline level and in a subsequent revelation we learn about the creators of the TV show who are actually making poor dog believe that he is a super dog.
The story then revolves around Bolt’s journey across the states in which he discovers his ‘doggy’ness while he strives to find Penny who he thinks is kidnapped by a ‘green eyed man’. His partners in the journey are Mittens (voice by Susie Essman), an amusingly likable cat due entirely to her knock off repertoire of dialogues and a hamster named Rhino (voice by Mark Walton), who is proud fan of Bolt the superdog.
This is a team of its kind and it is absolute fun to watch them stumble through a series of uncanny, marvelously picturised and brilliantly, I repeat, brilliantly written situational hazards. Boy, it’s a long time after Sid the sloth and Remy the rat made me fall in love with the animals whom I otherwise can confer only my choicest of humanity but not a place next to me!
As a routine affair, Walt Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks have delivered best of computer graphics and the excellence in the animation department is beyond any critique. What makes me salute these guys is their genius in continuously developing some mind blowing stories centered around species like ants, bees, fish, rats, cats and dogs. I mean, how come I never saw a story in hundreds of ants or fish or dogs or cats that I have seen so far? While you watch Bolt, you don’t just admire the animation but you unarguably get impressed by the story and the way it is told.
Dan Fogelman and Chris Williams have done wonders while writing Bolt. Mittens and Rhino get quirkiest of the lines and make you fall in love with them. Director duo Byron Howard and Chris Williams and their team of animators have made the animals perform superbly (watch out the sequence where Mittens trains Bolt in begging for food). Did I mention about pigeons? They are a small part of this venture but they create riot and you can’t help but salute the ideators and designers.Go watch Bolt. That is all I can say further.