is a site aimed at those aged between 15 (minimum age to join) and those aged about 20, although there is no upper limit you really should have left the place by then. It is a teenage community that offers;
1) E-mail []
2) Bolt notes (messages that can only be sent to other members, and stores speratey from E-mails, much more convenient too).
3) Message boards, boards for everything from Pirates, Chickens, and Cows, to Religion, Sports, and Countrys.
4) Chat room. Unless cyber sex with smutty little children is your thing you should avoid it like the plague.
5) Free homepage for each member, I think it is about 15 megabytes.
6) Clubs, This is where you and people of similar interests can talk about your likes/dislikes of that topic or just have random discussion where only members of the club (regulated by the member that sets the club up) can post on the boards or answer the Tagbook Questions. Tagbooks are a series of questions of a serious or lighthearted nature. You can also have a club chat.
7) Radio; listen to bolt radio while you are on the site.
You, as a member, get a profile. This has several sections on it, of which you get good control of what is public information and what is private. You get a general info page, you choose the info given from tick boxes. An about me section, this is where you really tell people about yourself. A list of posts made to message boards (not club boards though). You get a diary, this is one of the things you have the option to keep secret. Then you have your own Tagbook. This is identical to club tagbooks except you are the only person who can set the questions, everybody else can only read and answer.
If you are looking for fun I recommend the country board for wherever you live as this usually has the funniest discussions.
If you are experiencing problems with one member bolt note a staff member or go to the suggestions boards and tell it there, a staff member will see it there and do something about it, and that is fact because I have had one member truly sorted (account deleted) through that method.
Alternatively you could simply block the member from contacting you, you can block both notes and E-mails.
I should say that don’t be put off by the language used by many of the members as there are some on there that are worth talking to. You just have to give it time, I have a contact list of about 10 who are all great and about another 10 who I see around on a regular basis and they are fine to, I am sure there are many more but you will have to find them for yourself.
Signing up is really easy and takes two minutes max.
Oooh nearly forgot, but if horoscopes and biorhythms are your thing then you fill find them here too