Well, I have heard of Monday morning blues and Sunday evening blues, but never Bombay Blues. It is no wonder this worthless restaurant situated in Bangalore Central sports such a ridiculous name and worst off all the service personnel sport wacky blue Waikiki outfits. The décor is nothing to rave home about but still worth dolling out some brownie points especially for the tastefully done lighting. However, do remember to take note of a television system embedded in the wall facing you just as you enter the restaurant, this to my mind is a case of grotesque over styling. This singular piece of monstrosity predicts the overall décor of the place. Now let us come to the moot point, the food, the menu consists a knick-knack of assorted cuisines, and none of them authentic. The portions are quite bizarre, for example, the non-vegetarian combo meal consists of generous amount of kebabs of your choice (either Reshmi or Achari), but the rice and curry would suffice only for a newborn baby. The quality of the food is nothing to write home about which is pretty preposterous given the eye-popping prices. The only dish I like in this place is the Achari Murg, this is nicely done with the spices balanced agreeably and the meat succulent, the only bodge is that the chef uses copious amounts of mustard oil (or is it mustard paste?) for the dish. Mustard oil or raw mustard paste is an acquired taste and too much of it smells and tastes yucky, hey, this would not hold true for a Bong, you see they thrive on this stuff. The other dishes are all standard fare and the taste of the dish depends particularly on the chef’s mood that day. Truly, let me make no bones about this specific idiosyncrasy, I have experienced this over my several visits to the restaurant; the Chicken Sizzler tasted different every single time. A word of advice before winding up, dont ever take your date here because snooping shoppers stroll around the eating area (only a glass wall separates the restaurant and the shopping area) eyeing your date (if he/she is of the gorgeous kind) and worst of all your food too. This is reprehensible since you bring your mate on a date for some privacy and not to be subjected to raunchy leers.