I got shocked to see OPD Nameplate(Gynochlogy section) showing the name of all the big Doctor, but actual show is being managed by only Juniors Doctor. When I enquired from staff, then I was told that Honorary Doctorsr do not have time to visit OPD. OPD gives them only Rs 10/-. Even during delivery time also those honorary Dr rarely visit Hospital. Only if you are admitted to First Class Room, then only Honorary Doctor may come. That is also not sure. All the Honorary Doctors are busy with their own private clinic.
Then what is the point in visiting Bombay Hospital, when the show is managed by Junior Doctor only. It is really very pathetic condition on the part of Baombay Hospital. I do not know whether management of Bombay Hospital is aware of this or not? If yes, then it is very bad. Better approach similar Hospital like Jaslok Hospital, where at least you can find Dr Indira Hinduja in OPD also.