A lot is been said by people like Mr. Kirit Somaya (BJP Member of parliament) regarding beautification of Powai lake in Mumbai, we have been reading a lot these days in news papers regarding this development, can the said MP clarify the following points:
1) Why the sewerage lines entering the lake from various sources are not stopped with immediate effect.
2) What were BMC personnel’s doing when the sewerage were dropped in the lake, isn’t the BMC responsible for their lapse on their part, and if so what action does Mr. Kirit Somaya suggest for this act done by the BMC officials.
3) We are reading a lot about illegal querying activities going on and on since very many years, if it is illegal then who should be held responsible for such illegal activities.
4) Why all the road widening is taking place towards the lake only and not on the other side, which is ultimately lessening the area of the lake.
5) Why not the BMC restricting the builders to carry on building activities after a certain prescribed boundary of the lake.
6) We have read in the newspapers that a certain builder used powai lake water for years for construction purpose and that too illegally, what action did the authorities take against such builders.
7) What action did BMC take to stop the untreated sewerage of IIT entering the lake till date?
8) What action did the BMC take against NITI for their discharge of drainage in to the lake?
Since last 3 years a lot of illegal encroachments have taken place around the surroundings of lake but no concrete steps are taken by the BMC dep’t. To stop those activities.
By minutely observing the above facts one can easily conclude that what ever harm is done to pollute the lake is done by the vested interest people of course with hand in gloves with these very politicians and the government authorities, and now when a huge amount is sanctioned by the central govt., to beautify the lake , these very politicians like Mr.Kirit Somaya are terrorizing the existence of the surrounding people who are occupying the lake surroundings LEGALLY, so that their existence is endangered and that they run for their own defense in spite of pinpointing the various sources of polluting agents to the authorities and, by such terrorizing activities these politicians would have no difficulty in wiping out this huge funds as per their personnel likings.
On one hand Mr. Kirit Somaya is insisting on canceling the lease agreement of all the plot owners who are there from more than 75 years and, recently the BMC has given permission to construct a 5 star hotel which is right on the bank of the lake.
Recently the authorities have installed two cranes to remove the mud from the lake and clean it, can Mr. Kirit Somaya explain how only to machines can tackle this gigantic task or is this just to convince the people of India that Mr. Somaya is doing the job and at later stage one good day he will say that more funds are required and the work stopped.
May I request the citizens of India and specially people from Mumbai to come forward with their criticism , so that these politicians can no longer fool the Indian citizens.