Hey all,
Mumbai Police, an interesting topic for discussion, I must say... Did you know, that the Mumbai Police is just ranked below the Scotland Yard, whereas, Scotland Yard is considered to be the best... Isnt that reason enough to make us proud ??? Indeed... But, the kind of renumerations the police department gets is peanuts... Needless to mention, reason for having the anti-curruption bureau in place... The Mumbai Police has got a long way to go, as far as fulfillment of duties is concerned... The first lesson the police academy needs to teach the faculties is manners (with a capital M) I am sure you would know the reason for me mentioning this; At some point in time, I am sure you would have been confronted by a situation, wherein, you would have had to speak to a Mumbai Police personnel. Specially, this holds true for the traffic control department. Believe me, Ive heard personnel of the traffic department screaming bad words at maybe, cabbies or pvt car drivers. But at the end of it, thats Mumbai, thats Mumbai Police and thats the price one has to pay for living in MUMBAI. Maybe, Mumbai as a city has a lot of contributions towards the current manner levels being displayed...