I travel between byculla and bandra every day via sena bhavan, plaza cinema, chitra cinema bharat mata cinema . when I was learning to drive I was taught some dos and some donts 1. do not park where ever there is a no parking board. 2. do not park at turnings 3. do not park near bus stops 4. do not park out side compound gates 5. do not park on bridges 6. do not park near traffic signals and so many donts but seems all these donts are now changed to DOs the cops are of no use at all to bombay. we can do without the traffic police and save lots you know where the cops are most efficient ?? 1. on left turns hiding in a corner for their BAKRA cause most of the time the motorist does not know weather to take the left turn or to wait! 2. they catch people talking on the mobile 3. they catch people who do not wear the seat belt on roads in traffic which moves at bicycle speed.. they should also ask all the MILK WALA and the PAU wala and the PAPER wala to wear seat belts cause they move faster than the cars in bombay I can go on and on and on but what the hell !!! I t I s n o use we have reached a point of no return .