i was not finding a proper heading to write my opinion so I selected this one. the title itself highlights about mumbai that is going through stages during recent times. the blast in local trains, the incident about Mrs. Meena thakery and Dr. Ambedkar has realy shown the insensebilty of the mumbaikars at times. During the blast it looks like we all are same where people really rushed out whereever they where to help out the people whithout caring which religion they belong. But after the recent violence in the maharashtra and mumbai region I came to know that the people living here are not able to use their sense. Mumbai is a place for everone where people from different states comes to fullfill their desire and drems and they succeed in doing hard work to gain for what they have been away from their family. it is known as the economical hub of india which is been slowly destroyed by the mumbaikar itself. WHO CARES ABOUT WHAT THE GOVERNMENT IS DOING.
or WHO HAS THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT. if mumbai is for all then what we have given to mumbai. we dont know the negihbour who is living in the same bulg or colong who cares to know them. the salaried people who work hard for their living knows how they do. think of them who earns everyday for a piece of bread. and with this vipolence strave for the day. this city of literate is taking really MUMBAI ON FIRE