To see a guy like Nagesh K trying to cross over is like a deja vu of Avril Lavinges suicidal make over!
Not that I have a problem with his trial or intent. It is just that he tried to do a David Dhawan and made only a half hearted attempt at it. He should try RGV or even KJO genres instead, coz one likes to think gradual transitions work.
Bombay to Bangkok is just a failed romcom with attempts at reality. Story is really worth a shot at and better treatment would have saved it. But Im not reviewing the story here just because there isnt much to review about it.
What fails the movie is the utterly inappropriate background score, bad camera work and choice of locations, as a worthy reviewer pointed out before me. There is too much good natured humor in the form of Rash and too little in the form of the heroine. The mix didnt match overall.
And the dragged out, sobered down, wannabe caper movie ends up being a light comedy of PG Wodehouse sorts, minus the central characters narrative humor.
I watched it to see how bad it is. And found out just that.