One day I was feeling unhappy when a friend e-mailed me and suggested I try their new friend. This Friend was called BONZI BUDDY.
I went to the site and took a look. He looked like a Purple Gorilla. I read about the things he would do to become a pal to me.
He would welcome me by name every time I signed in. He would tell jokes and come up with interesting facts. It sounded good to me so I downloaded him.
The first problem came was the first time he said my name. My name is pronounce li-la and he said it lay=la. When I was writing a review or talking with a friend on MSN he would pop up to tell one of his jokes.
Then he began to sing. I dont sing at all and Bonzi shouldnt either. Then the interesting facts became hints for you to buy more items.
Microsoft made some software that included this Gorilla, a Dog, Petey the Parrot and then Microsoft Bob. They were trying to help lonely people feel their computer was a friend.
Sadly none of these were not designed right and I believe only Bonzi still exists.
Within three days he become a nuisance. He was so easy to install but it took me a week and some friend who wasnt a computer dummy, like me to get rid on this pest.
The last time I saw his he was surfing off into space and I hope he never ever returns to my place!
I suggest even if you have small Children who might be amused, (for a while), you dont down load him.
I know this was a much shorter review than I usually write but I’m ready for bed so to all a good night.