We have used Booking.com service for several years, and it has helped us a lot in many of our vacations. However, in our current one, we had a terrible experience and ended up ordering an alternative hotel.
We sended an email to booking customer service and after two dayes that there was no answer we sended another email which was egnored too.
After we came back from our vacation we called the customer service and waited for more than 10 minuts until someone answered. When we explain the situation we where toled we will get response inthe next 30 minutes. We got an email after 4 houres and the answer was that we wouldnt be refunded with 6 nights that we canceled. In the email we where toled that we should post a review so people will know on our expirience.
The day after we posted the review we got an email that the review need to be edited. When we called to check why we where toled that it is because this is the first bad review in the hotel. What can we do? there is always a first time and it will remain the first time becuase they wouldnt pulish bad reviews.
On the next call we where toled the same sentince- that thay will back to us in the next 30 minutes, which didnt happend and leadded to another call(with another waiting) which we where explaained that the owner of the hotel will be there at 4.30 and someone will contact us afterwored, which didnt happened and ended up with another call(and more waiting). At the end of this call we got an email that saied that the hotel refused to get us our mony back.
So we ended up wuth no refund and no way to warning others from this hotel.