The UI, ease of information and a strong brand name goes for Toss if these companies deny service to their customers in case of their own IT flaws.
I happened to book 2 tickets on Bookmyshow using my Citibank Master Platinum card as they were offering 35% discount on the same. I punched in the Credit card no. in the same provided under offers and was very happy to see the entire amount being discounted at 35%. I went ahead and tried to proceed with the transaction but to my dismay the transaction didnt go thru(No error was thrown) for 5 minutes and then Bookmyshow displayed a message saying cannot connect to cinema.
Being a Shah rukh fan, I desperately wanted to watch the movie, so I tried again and was surprised to see only 25% discount on my ticket value instead of 35%. I went ahead and booked the tickets as the show was getting house full.
I then wrote to their customer service team on 13-Dec-08 and waited for the reply till 15-December and reminded back to reply. I finally got this reply on 16-Dec-08
" Dear Sir,
Thank you for writing to us.
With regards to your query relating the Citibank offer, if a user applies for the offer and due to any reason does not completes the transaction, the 35% offer slab gets blocked in the system for a while ie for half an hour which then gets released automatically. In case the user still goes ahead and books the tickets using the offer, avails 25% discount.
Also, since the transaction has already gone through, we would not be in a position to offer the discount for this particular transaction as this is automated/system generated and cannot be manually changed to offer a discount after processing.
We do understand that you wanted to avail the offer for this transaction, but would be unable to make any changes for the already booked and confirmed tickets.
We sincerely apologize the delay in response.
Thanking you.
Yours truly,
Web Administration(GP)
after this email, I think it was my mistake that I tried availing a discount on a website who accept that there is an issue with their system but will not help the customer in any case.
People "Beware of bookmyshow offers"