Bookmyshow is a fraud site. Only booking online is good, but no service for the charges they charges as a convenience charge
Once the seats are blocked by someone but no payment and cancel the further action, the seat remains blocked for 3-4 hrs. By the meantime, you need to book some unwanted seats as a compromise. Secondly, if you call Bookmyshow customer care services to get your seat changed or for any other services. Its pathetic. Also school kids are sitting there and they talk while eating and drinking water. No etiquette or manners to talk to the customer. Then they have a standard answer we cannot do anything and y ou need to work with the same as what you see on site. Then why the customer care is sitting there. There is no need. No customer delight or value to customer grievances.
Better to book movie tickets either at the cinema theatre or through some other site. But Please dont go for Bookmyshow which is handled by immature and school kids.