Whenever I buy some stuff I have the option of returning the goods back if I am not satisfied. Why is it that we do not get anything back when we are not satisfied with a movie?? Atleast there should be some law to prevent people from making movies that are not worthy of viewers.
Boom qualifies as the worst movie ever made. It is a sick joke played by the movie makers. I still call them as movie makers because it takes talent to make such a bad movie. Boom is an insult to the audience.
It is a classic example of a good catchline being wasted. This movie does not belong to any genre. Do not waste your precious time, money and emotions on this movie.
Three dons and three models are up to something but nothing ever happens. then there are a few sidekicks who actually run the show but nothing happens ther either.. finally the three dons come together (a sick reminder of The Good, Bad and Ugly) and shoot one another (la Kaante). The movie ends and you walk out of the rest room...