- Bosch Series 6 Avantixx 8KG WAP 24260IN
BRANDS Considered: Siemens, BOSCH, IFB.
Why NOT others? NOT interested in any Pekinese(Chinese)/Korean Brands!
Why NOT Hitachi/PAnasultansonic?
New to Indian market, Very less Dealer Network Obviously less Service centers! NOT Quite POPULAR in India!* Personally NOT ready to RISK!
Why NOT Siemens/IFB?
Siemens has NO Proper Shruthisharma or Service N/W. 80% of all the dealer list on Siemens website are NOT dealing with them! I was told by most of them that Siemens & Bosch Service engineers are SAME! If you look at their product brochure even the address of the Head office in Mumbai is SAME for BOSCH & Siemens!
The Current Model Bosch WAP 24260IN is IDENTICAL to Siemens iQ300 WM12P260IN, MRP is SAME 51K. So it makes sense to buy either of these BUT better to choose Bosch as it has a reputation of being a MAJOR Spare Part supplier to IFB, Siemens, Samsung, LG etc Secondly, its has forayed into Indian Market DIRECTLY after keenly comprehending the Indian Market for more than 2 decades, breaking Joint ventures with IFB(1997) and acquiring shares close to 50% in Siemens.
Buying Price for Bosch Employees: 38250/- after 25% Flat off on MRP.
My Buying Price: 42K from a store at JayAnasultangar, Bangalore on 15th April 2015, Delivered by 17th April 2015, Installed on 20th April 2015.
Received a call on 18th April from a local 3rd party Bosch Outsourced service personnel where he demanded 500/-+ travel expenses as my Home is out of Metro city. I informed him that Demo & Installation is FREE for customers where as its CHARGEABLE FOR Bosch Employees who get a FLAT 25% discount on MRP. Later with in next 15 mins received a call from HYD Bosch Care. The mAnasultanger on the other end agreed for FREE Demo Cum Installation without any further argument! With this, the Local Outsourced guy didnt turn up on saturday instead came by 7Pm on Monday!
Finally, As I was very eager to use the machine, Installed all the Washing Machine hose etc. The supplied hose by bosch is a standard 1.5 meter one. You get a 1.5 meter hose @ 150, 3 meter hose @ 300/- on amazon on anywhere on internet!
Tips for Installation & Usage:
Make sure you have a 15A or 16A 3 pin to fit your washing machine’s plug and a 32A DP to protect your machine from power surge.
Better Buy a V-Guard VM 500 Stabilizer or equivalent to protect your machine.
DO NOT RUN the machine in a HURRY WITHOUT REMOVING 4 TRANSPORT BOLTS AT THE BACK OF THE MACHINE else you will VOID your warranty as this is NOT covered under warranty.(If you RISK running your machine UNKNOWINGLY the washing machine jumps or wanders on either sides according to the spin of the drum hitting the objects around it!)
If you are using hard water BETTER Use a water softening additives found on IFB Website or anywhere on internet to soften the water so that limescale doesnt accumulate at the bottom of the drum which leads to Corrosion and subsequently load on the drum next imbalance in the drum and finally leads to breakdown due to dilapidated bearings etc
DO NOT OVERLOAD the drum than the weight prescribed on each wash programme! This leads to drum break down(Better follow flipkarts washing machine buying guide to know the approximate weight of each laundry you dump)
Open the Service area at the front bottom right ONCE every 3 MONTHS to clean the accumulated coins, pins etc
Run Drum clean ONCE in a MONTH with additives to clean the scale.
TEST RUN Wash Program Selected: Daily Wash/MIX: 1:21 mins
WASH Quality/Performance: 4.5/5
Power Consumption: 5/5.
Power Consumption: 5/5.
Ran Daily Wash/MIX program with a recommended load of 3 Kg where it showed me 1:21 mins. Actually it ran for for 1 hour 31 mins according to stopwatch consuming 0.5 UNIT!:) Awesome isnt it? A unit costs you 2.60 Paise under 50 Units slab or max can be 3.60 Paise Under 200 units slab!
A unit costs you 2.60 Paise under 50 Units slab or max can be 3.60 Paise Under 200 units slab!
Vibration: 4.5/5
I could see some vibration but tech engineer told me that its is the minimum vibration every machine of any brand will have during SPIN time at the end of any wash program!
Water Consumption for this Wash Program: 5/5
Used ONLY 30 Liters of Water!
Number of Cloths: 20(Towels, Shirts, Trousers, Undergarments, Shot, Hanky, Nightwear etc)
Detergent Used: 5 Medium Sized Culinary Spoons of Tide Detergent into Dispenser II.
WATER USED: SOFT WATER from a water softener!
Why 0.5 DOWN? NO Inverter Technology unlike LG/Samsung
BUT here is the CATCH the Wattage on this machine is 1050 W whereas the same 8Kg Capacity Machines from IFB has a wattage of 2250 W, LG has a wattage of 1700 W/2100 W depending on the model, Samsung 7KG itself has a wattage of 2000 W. So, Machines of these kind(VORACIOUS POWER EATERS) needs inverter technology to save power BUT NOT for BOSCH which consumes HALF the power compared to them!
Its was a blessing in disguise "A 10 year warranty on Motor for all Bosch machines purchased between Jan15th 2015 till April 30th 2015" was applied to my machine!:)
Final Recommendation:
If you like adventures and READY TO TAKE A RISK, PAnasultanSONIC and HITACHI are VERY GOOD SUPER SAVERS with respect to power consumption BUT beware to choose a WM with in-built heater!
REASON: These machines are HUGE Power savers! Work between 580W(PAnasultansonic) till 900 W(Hitachi). Feature Rich, Aesthetically good. Japanese Technology!
If you are NOT READY for any kind of RISK and looking for a RobotouchNDFOLD BUY with as little as 150 Watts of Extra power, then my Bosch make Series 6 Avantixx 8KG WAP 24260IN is PERFECT for you!