Wonderful!...superb!...gruesome!.....well I have many adjectives more to describe how I felt when I listen to this OST....right from the start Azadi....evoked a feeling which is only matched by the Vandemataram album.
The patriotic songs like Dilli Jayenge and Kadam Kadam just make u feel that u r moving along with the INA force through the wetlands of Burma leaded by the one and only Bose....being a Bong I can tell u the concoction of Hindia and Bengali was very well made...in the song Ekla Chalo..the Hindi lyrics Tanha Rahi very ably follows the words penned down by Tagore.....I was just stunned by the Durga Puja theme....having spent the first 20 years in Calcutta...the theme just made me relive all those golden Durga Puja days through the sound of dhak and kansar.....it just shows how much homework Rehman puts in before delivering a soundtrack.....three cheers to him....
Just being a Sham Benegal film...I am expecting a lot from it...just not some patriotic titlation like Gadar and all those shit....but a true potrayal of history..and real unmasking of those god dammned politicians of those days who betrayed Bose....
Get hold of the OST if you havent done it yet.....its worth a million.