So here it goes: I was very hungry, actually I was hangry after a long day at work especially on a weekend. And hence I had been dreaming about ordering and eating Chinese food as soon as I get home.
And I mentally made note of what to eat, where to order from and which app to use and all the things checked.
I decided on ordering on foodpanda, the Chinese food from Bowl O China.
Then as soon as I reached home the first thing I did was try to place an order online on the foodpanda app in specific because I had some offer on that app that day.
I placed and order, and you can place order on foodpanda app in a specific restaurant only if the restaurant is available online. Then the Bowl O China didnt receive my order and declined it.
I tried again and attempt failed. I did online payments for both the orders.
If a restaurant cant process any order and cannot accept it then why be online on such delivery systems when they give you the option of staying offline.
P.S. I have to wait and check for cashback and use it up as soon as possible. Im paranoid like that.