My sicere thanks to MOUTHSHUT as given me opportunity to explore the product and caution future customer.
I purchased this set and next month a HORRIBLE thing happened.
My wife thought of inspecting a receipe and opened up the door. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY>>> though the door was open, this microwave continued to operate/rotate !!!! This was most dangerous situation and any microwave manufacturer MUST take precaution to ensure that as soon as door is opened the operation must STOP..... as it is SAFETY to our loved ones. I immediately called upon the service centre and asked for replacement but they only replaced the front electrical pannel. I tried my level best for getting it replaced during warranty period but I failed miserably because of BPL service team attitude.
This panel was again due for replacement after 1 1/2 year and costing Rs:2500/-. I had purchased the new oven for RS: 9500/-?
I kept operating it with few modifications and exchanged it with LG M/oven.
We have decided not to buy any BPL product in future.