I am really surprised on being the first to write a review on Brad Pitt .. he is one of the best personalities of the hollywood and his acting also leads him to some class apart
His full name is William Bradley Pitt and he born on 18 december 1963 in shawnee>okahama>USA ...and raised in spring field , missouri ...
His few movies can be named as the best of all time by some people as the troy , Confessions of a dangerous mind , Oceans eleven , Meet joe black , The Mexican , Legends of the fall , The Devils own etc
If any one saw the movie fightclub then he or she can easily go on crazy on brad and now in oceans both parts he is simply killing people with his style and won the sexiest man alive chart few times too ....
Even actress like tabbu wants to have dinner or want to be with him on a maroon island according to tabbu as told in an interview ..
And he is one of the best styled boy in HOLLYWOOD and really he is irrestible and he is really having a cool life with friends star jenifer aniston
He is simply the best bad guy having good girls at his side ...:))