Picture this. Your child is lost at Brand Factory. You are nervously looking for your kid all around but cant find him. You finally get hold of the announcement desk and request them to make urgent announcement for the lost kid.
He can only understand Hindi and the announcement desk refuses to make the announcement for the kid in a language he could understand let alone providing you with any assistance in locating your lost kid. "Madam, the announcement can only be made in English. It is our policy" said the person on duty at Brand Factory in Marthahalli, Bangalore. Several frenetic requests were ignored.
The help desk finally made a token announcement in English after a lot of people gathered around to find out more about what they were upto. Thankfully I found my kid safe on my own. The place has consistently disappointed over the last several years. But this is a definite deal breaker for me. I will never ever step foot again.