This is the most common dilemma faced by many first time buyers of PC - Should we go in for a Branded Computer by XYZ who offers free Printer, Scanner etc. or should I go in for a Assembled machine from a local assembler?
Well.Both of them have some Pros and Cons. A Branded computer is nothing but assembled by a particular company i.e not necessarily manufactured by that company. But you can be assured that the components inside are genuine and are tested at their labs. This doesnt mean that local assemblers are cheaters and dont provide genuine components.
In an open and competitive market nowadays, consumers are also aware of the products that are best in the market. Today most of the assemblers provide genuine components to the customers, as they are aware that consumer has also become smart.
The main advantage of a assembled PC is that you get a cost benefit. Wherein if you buy the same configuration branded PC you will have to lighten your pocket by more 5, 000 to 7, 000 bucks.
Also branded sellers charge you for each byte of software that you want them to install. i.e Charge for OS, Office Applications and so on. Thus further increase the price of the PC. Wherein the local assemblers usually bundle in the pirated softwares which also work fine.
Honestly, in India nobody buys genuine software except MNCs or big corporates. If one plans to buy the original software, then it would be double the price of the PC.
Weighing the pros and cons, I would suggest to go in for a Assembled PC.