Ive been working with computers since the TRS-80 and the C-64. This much I can tell you. If you build a custom PC to tickle your fancy, its wonderful thing. Just keep in mind, all of the parts will most likely come from different vendors(to assure you get the best pricing). You dont have any technical support(if your savvy you dont need it). If you want to sell it, it may not fly as fast as a name brand. Some consumers have a mind block about name brand PCs. What they dont understand is that the custom built PC could be better than the tin can brand name. There are many pros and cons to buying a new PC from a known manufacturer and building your own. I leave you with this thought. If you have the experience, and the time to call vendors if replacement parts are needed, build yourself a Mac-Daddy system. If you are not experienced, buy a PC with a good track record.