Assembled computers and Branded computers cant be differentiated just in terms of there mode of formation.
While Branded Computers comes with the value of trust in it, assembled computers give you a freedom of flexibility in chosing the h/w of the best company available and even the configuration which suits to individual.
Assembled Computers are declining the market bamboozle it used to enjoy because of many reasons like the availability of branded computers in retail stores, variable configuration made with keeping in mind the pc user and the exponential fall in the market price.The only advantage it has got is in terms of price which is just at the lower terms then the Branded pcs but the gap has been reduced to such a level that it is hardly any matter now.
Branded Computers have one more facility of full warranty making it easier for consumers to either replace the faulty product or getting service on it.
So to choose between two is really a matter of how much trust factor one wants in the system he is purchasing and if it is too high surely one should go for the branded one as the local assemblers cant be relied upon heavily while the time of assembling because they have no such factors like brand value.
Various configurations are available now a days and the one which is happening most in the market is:
Pentium IV processor
256 MB RAM
40 GB Hard Disk
17 Monitor
Internet KeyBoard
Metallic Mouse
32 MB Cache Memory
Intel MotherBoard
VGA Card
Internal Modem of 56 kbps
HP InkJet Printer
Hp Scanner
Good Quality of Speakers-500 Watt(any company)
the configuration varies greatly and depends upon the need of the user but this system configuration is the one that is common in the market and can be fetched at a market value of somewhere near about 35-40 thousand depending upon the geographical area.
So enjoy a pc and make full use of it because the 3d games and music has changed the world of entertainment around.