These days due to recession in all the industries world-wide, many people are forced to find an alternative source of income. So it as affected to computer industry too.
Particularly, in the recent past a great development has been observed in computer hardware & software industry. Every tom, dick & harry who acquires a degree / diploma in computer science feels that he knows computer very well. Yes, they all know very well how to assemble a computer. But, when it coes to make it run or troubleshooting, they are useless. Only solution they suggest is either re-install a program or format HD. No one knows when a MoBo or HD will crash & no one has enough knowledge to repair it & bring it to its original condition.
Also, people who want to buy a computer start negotiating for price and they get hit. How? Look, I have personally spoken with many computer assemblers on this topic. There is no guarantee that these assemblers will use a brand new HD, FD or MoBo for the computer which he supplies to you. These components may be used one. At least when you buy a branded PC, even if you negotiate on price, you are sure to get brand new components. The branded computer dealers will reduce the prices from their commissions but will not supply any used one or defective piece.
Secondly, assembled pc you may land up with poor quality components like made in Thailand or Taiwan. Better quality components are from Japan or Korea. And what surprising is hardly any difference in the landed prices of branded pc Vs. assembled one. So why go fot assembled?
Another aspect is service. If something goes wrong in your assembled pc and you try to contact the person from whom you purchased it, and you find that he has closed his business and gone abroad for a job. You are helpless.
At least branded pc companies are not closing down so fast and they have some dealer network. In todays competitive market, branded pc companies knows that if they do not perform they can not survive. Hence, customer oriented approach are taken by these companies. It doesnt happen with private assemblers.
Thats it.
PS. MoBo means Mother Board and HD = Hard Disk