Nowadays, Hardware Guys make huge claims that the configuration is high, etc. and the price he offers is very Good. This is not the case as they earn at least Rs.4000 - Rs.5000/- per piece. I know that they have a practice of just Giving a Very Attractive Cabinet(CPU outer case) and all Pieces of Crap from Within. Im aware of all this as I also happen to be a Hardware Engineer and am aware of what people actually get.
While Purchasing Brand New Assembled Computers, make sure that the Engineer is not over Charging you and also see to it that he gives you proof of the warranty on all the parts. To be on the safe side, you could spend 1000 - 2000/- more to get it from an Established Shop. Not a Bad idea right? Better than spending Rs.10, 000 - Rs.20, 000/- MORE per Branded computer having the same components.
All you have to do is(Applicable mostly to buyers in India).
Go for the Hynix(Formerly Hyundai) brand RAMs,
Avoid PROCESSORS which come loose.Ask for Box Pack ones. the difference, that loose ones come cheaper with a years warranty and are usually grey market stuff, wheras the box Pack Processors come with 3 years warranty and are original.
AVOID SEAGATE as your Hard Disk Drive. Believe me, offlate they have come out with Sub-standard Products. Go for the Samsung Brand instead which comes with 3 years warranty as compared to Seagates one year. And yes, AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, GO FOR THE 20GB make(Rs.3800). You may go for the 40GB if absolutely necessary, remember, the difference in the rates is a mere Rs.300/-; YES, THREE HUNDRED ONLY, because the 40GB drives tend to develop bad sectors quick. I have experience and wont like to give you any crap as even my SEAGATE 40GB hard disk developed bad sectors in 4 months and finally crashed after just less than 6 months, well, I got it replaced with a Brand new one all the same, but you see Ive lost all the data and goodies and had to start up with a fresh system, so I recommend users to go for the 20GB Samsung which is much reliable. Want more space and no one will stop you from going in for a 40GB disk.
(Im back and would like to tell you that now after 10 months after the purchase of the hard disk and even after replacement with a New one, this one has also developed bad sectors. Ive given it for replacement again for a brand new piece which I will get soon. But the warranty stays the same as it was on the original product.)
CD Rom drive - The usual peoples choice is Samsung 52X(Rs.1250/-) which is GOOD enough and cheaper. Other choices could be the LG 52X(Rs.1300/-) which is a bit better performance wise I feel. But go for the ASUS 52X(approx. Rs.1500/-) if you want the BEST.
Then as far as the Motherboard is concerned, if youre going for a Celeron or a P-III, choose only 810e Chipset Board. If youre looking for the better of it, 815e is the better choice. But believe me, the cheaper 810 board is quite crappy. Dont go for it. Go for 810e as I said. These were the models. but Good Brands for the boards are - Jetway, Asus, HIS & Microtek.
DFI and HIS Boards are good brands for the Pentium -4 CPUs
Go for Yamaha 740W Speakers(Rs.450/-) if you want Average performance. For better performance, there are a lot of better brands, but if you still want it cheap, the Mercury 880Watts with Sub-Woofer is a better option. Its not that costly either. But remember, wattage does not matter much, higher wattage means it consumes more electricity, but may not necessarily mean that the output is as good. Finding out the RMS of the speakers is the best way of finding out the true output without actually hearing it.
KeyBoard may be Neutech or Benq(Product of Acer) among the non - multimedia ones. Believe me they are sufficient and its a waste of money to go for those Costlier Multimedia ones. You may use the special features on the Multimedia Keyboard for a week or three at the most and will forget all about it soon. So as I said, its a waste shelling out more on those extra buttons. Besides the ones I recommended, you could also go for other ones. Just make sure you get your one year warranty on them.
Mouse, Now as far as mouse goes, I prefer the Samsung Scroll Mouse as it is stylish and comes with a wonderful light making it more attractive. Its simply the best
For a Monitor, a Samsung Samtron 14 is the regular users choice which comes with a 2 year warranty(for Rs.4, 800), but Ive also tested monitors from a new company - Proview which is quite fine and as good as the Samtron also working out to be CHEAPER and yes, WITH 3 Years Onsite Warranty Period, Hows that? Well, If 17 is your choice, then the LG Flatron is Indias best and should be available to you for about Rs.9600/-. I OWN IT and HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT as the Graphics are wonderful when Viewed on it. Also Proview Dynaflat 17 and Samsung 17 monitors are other good and cheaper brands than the Flatron
MODEM:- Go for one only if you really will need to connect to the net or send faxes. I recommend an internal 56kbps modem over the External one because I really dont see any difference in the performance even if it is external. the only difference. I feel is that internal ones are only chips which go inside the CPU, wheras External ones are merely the same chips with a Plastic covering with a few Fancy Flashing Lights with a Ridiculous price. An Internal one(DAX) comes for approx 560/-and D-Link costs about Rs.590/-. An external one - D-Link comes for about Rs.1950/- though not that sure about it. But you can see the price difference yourself, for the same speed both types of the modems offer. There is another brand PCS which Ive sold. Its also good and comes for about Rs.1350/-
Your Floppy Disk Drive should only be of ORIGINAL SONY Brand which should come for Rs.470/-
If the person assembling for you is Honest, You GOT THE BEST PC for the price. Also see to what he offers you, ie. the attractions like softwares / games / MP3s etc with the PC.
If you are currently in Mumbai and in need of any further guidance OR would like to go in for a machine or something, do not hesitate to e-mail me at OR .
Ill be more than glad to be at your service, either answering your queries or to get you the things you want to purchase.
But one thing, if you go for a Branded piece, Remember youre getting the same components at a higher rate. and all the components are from single company(ie. that Brand only), wheras, in Assembled PCs you get to choose which parts you want and gettit cheaper. For more Disadvantages in going for a Branded Piece, I recommend a review written by Mr. Mathew -Buy Assembled, Bye Branded.