Besides being a doctor, I have a hobby of assembling computers, which started off as favors for freinds, and now is a part time side business. So guess I am to some extent a good authority on this subject.
Theres many reasons, in my opinion, as to why, one should go in for an assembled PC .
well, Firstly theres the price / cost factor.PCs with the same configuration, say a P III 1 Ghz with the works would cost say 31, 000 when assembled, but the same config. Compaq .etc. would cost around 40- 45 Grand.They lure in their clients by giving them accessories which are available for half the price in the market.
Secondly, most branded PCs and Assembled PCS come with a one year warranty, the diff. being if an assembled PC needs repair within the first year, it can b done in a day, but in the case of a branded, u have to take it to the service center, who will check it for 3 months, before retuning it, hopefully repaired.
After this 1 yr warranty period, no other service engineer, other than the company guy is gonna touch ur PC, if something goes wrong.
plus, after warranty period, the spares in the branded PC, will cost double!
Thirdly, if suppose Godrej makes the best cupboards, they dont necessarily make the best fridges or A/Cs .Similarly, in Assembled the best combination products are put in together to amke one PC.
Most of the times the branded PC co.s buy the parts, say a 100 lexmark printers and print the name Compaq, on it to make it a branded printer .So u see, it makes no sense, to buy a branded PC.
If u still have any more doubts u could mail me.