I am sure most of people here would have heard about Breaking Bad.for those who havent I am gonna put some light.It is an American crime TV series created and produced by Vince Gilligan.It tells a story about Walker White, a chemistry teacher who discovers that he has a cancer and gets into crime business with a his student by building a Meth-lab so that he can ensure his familys economical condition after he is gone.But his partnership with his student Jessie makes him change his priorities.
They also begin to understand the underlying dangerous situations in crime business and the story revolves around how they deal with it.There are many crime shows on television but Breaking Bad definitely stands out among all.Breaking Bad is all time favorite show of many crime lovers and widely regarded as one of the most watched TV series of all time.It is also among the most watched TV shows on American Cable.I am from India and here too Breaking Bad has very large and strong audience.
What makes Braking bad so popular is the scientific accuracy in the show.there is no alienated rocket science that most people find hard to digest.the show gives high dose of entertainment and still managed to remain practical.The cinematography and editing is amazing and received Prime-time Emmy awards each.The plot and presentation surely deserve all critical acclamation it got.The series received numerous awards including 16 primetime-Emmy awards, two Golden Globe Awards, Eight satellite award, two peabody award, two Critics choice award.Breaking Bad also entered Guinness World Record for most acclaimed TV shows of all time.So people who do not like regular and boring tv and look for something exciting and content Breaking Bad is right choice.It is full of entertainment and well balanced creative content.It is combination you rarely find anywhere.So watch Breaking Bad and have fun.