Good day, professionals.
My purpose is not to disturb anyone, but I simply want to relay what occurred to me and my elder parents when we chose to explore into BRICK AND BOLT( services.
1) Their representative contacted us and encouraged us not to go with a local vendor but rather to go with pros based on all of their good tales and the number of projects they had completed.
2) We asked for a building cost, and the amount they quoted us was out of our budget, so we declined the offer right away. Then another representative came over and reassured my father, saying we have certain offers and lower plans, and we can definitely work on pricing.
3) He enticed us with his guarantees and got us to pay in advance. Once the money was received, everything fell apart; they started ignoring us, we kept calling for updates, they harassed my father and hung up on us; as a result, we decided not to work with them any longer and requested a refund. They are now asserting that there will be no compensation because we have already used your funds.
My only intention is to spread knowledge and request that you all approach this team with the utmost caution. BOLT AND BRICK
The owner refuses our requests to speak with us repeatedly. This also appears to have been done on purpose. They stole our money.
Please be very very cautious with this team- BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE and No Busines Ethics.