I was hired for bench by showing a good work in pipeline which never came to the company.
Company kept me busy in small projects or wherever a vacancy was created due to resignations and I cooperated and brought success to all the 4 projects during 9 months of my working.
I was told that I will be paid Loyalty Bonus every 6 months. But after 9 months I was forced to resign and leave the company on the same day without any notice on the pretext of no work and company sold to Three Pillar Global Company.
There is no job security & transparency in BrickRed now. All the senior management & leaders have left this company. I was made to work constantly more than 12 hours every day in different projects till the release was completed. I worked from 9:00 AM to next day 2:00 AM continuously i.e. 17 hours to make the release successful, and in return, on the very next day, I was called and told that the company has no work for me and I have to pack up my bag. I was forced to resignation on the same moment and advised to leave the office immediately as if I am a thief. All my personal data in the company’s PC was also not allowed to be copied, as my access to the system was denied. This company has spoiled my career. I am without any job. It is difficult to answer why was I forced to resignation.
Everyone know, this company was awarded No. 1 Company for Reward & Recognition by Great Place to Work, which it was till it was not sold to Three Pillar Global Company. Now the management is changed. So you should be very careful before joining this company. This company is now giving more than 50% increase over your salary to attract & and trap to recruit but also forcing you to resignation immediately after the work is over.
It is not only me alone but many other who are suffering like this. I had the courage of posting a review to make every one aware of this changed culture at Brickred. All the best to all of you who decide to continue to work with Brickred.