Bridges – Most of the time they are helpful. Desert to farm land, one side to the other of a river, Day to night, Slavery to freedom, innocence to cruelty, good faith to cheating, respect to love, visible to invisible –transformation is the general nature of bridges.
Knowledge wake up before our conscious mind and dont sleep even when we say good night and close our eyes. The light of knowledge waits in each corner of time and space. We only need to direct two things to possess it; Light and an eye with understanding. The knowledge is beautiful, informative, helpful and intelligent. Brave and powerful are the daughters of knowledge.
Information gives away the cover and identity before itturns knowledge. Knowledge has to transform itself losing its outer body before it can be absorbed as wisdom. Once this transformation (which is neither easy nor common) happens, a great amount of joy and happiness surrounds themind which made it happen. Each human mind and each society strive to achieve this ultimate state of happiness.
Paulo Coelhos novel Brida is the story of a bridge which helped mankind to pass to the other side of the universe. The worldly knowledge was given to humanbeings from the day they are created or born in the universe. There had a lot of brave man and woman born and dead following the tradition of Sun, knowing and following worldly knowledge and wealth. They were warriors of Power but a sense of incompleteness followed them in their fight. They always kept a dream heaven of their choice where the road to it is bright from the street light of rituals. No wonder, all those who followed the path of Moon, but targeting the warriors of light had to follow the road lightened by the flames of rituals. The road was not rosy, but blood red! The souls of sacrifice were wandering allalong. One more sacrifice was inevitable where no Mesiah could escape from their worldly fate.
The name of the book and the cover gives the impression of a romantic novel close to nature, but soon after turning few pages you will find a world of magic and rituals, though romance is in the air. Also, if few stop reading the novel by fear of actually been transported to the parallel world of spirits the readerneed an understanding from us. Paulo Coelho also used symbols all along. All this helps us to come out with first conclusion, i.e. the book is missing thesimplicity stamp which was the secret of success for Paulos master piece The Alchemist.
The book consider many aspects of believes tests its bases. The Fear and faith is well explained. Very good! Paulo Coelho tries to present aprayer as well, replacing the existing one adding the demands of the Sun but doesnt impress.
The book failed to give clarity to one central concept, Soulmate. Even when I can agree with the idea of there can have more than one soul mate for one person in a life time, the author doesnt justify the characters which flew like a kite from one soul mate to the other. The author was in fact aiming the sword in the name of soul mate and wanted the readers to see the absurdity. Sadly this point is not well put forward and the double edged sword returned back straight to the heart of the book to kill the idea of soul mate. Virgin Mary, forgive the author.
A rushed climax seems a regular feature of Paulo Coelho books. There had some light at the end but how many will travel the lengthy dark tunnel to watch the light at theend? In another thought, is it that theauthors point?
The author adopted a structure used by Robin Sharma in his book The Saint, The Surfer and The CEO where the image of Swami Rama from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari well fit to the Mogus. Thoughts from Osho Rajanish are around as well. The author however seems more fascinated by Richard Bachs Illusions. Like Richard Bach, Paulo Coelho too took a bravecover soon after going out in the rain but tried to shore some points Richard Bach failed to see.
Overall, the book misses the target where the story lacks a Hosana, the central point. For one who doesnt get the track the author follows, reading may be a pain and for those who got the track should have alot of patience to complete the reading. The message from the book is very vague and lacks the power to pass tothe readers and survive in their mind. The adulterated concept of soul mate let down the characters and the story. There is another good concept described in the prologue of the book, the one of planters and builders. Sadly, this idea too was not passed to the readers in its importance. One who thought of completing the course of magic will not get the diploma certificate as well where it all ended up as a circus.
Who may like the novel: 1. One who highly interested in parallel world, spirits and discussion of our life with the soul. 2. One who have great ability to crack art pictures and details. 3. One who is searching for permanent soul mate and all who consider whether to accommodate aone nights soul mates and wish an answer Yes. 4. All who wish to have witchhood.
Overall, the book is only partly qualify for arecommendation. Read at your ownrisk. I will think twice beforerecommending it to anyone I know.