Dear Ms. Chadha,
I had a chance to watch your latest movie ‘Bride and Prejudice’ and I wish to congratulate you over the success of this movie. From what I had heard of this movie, I was sure it would be entertaining. Well, it was. The direction is good. The music is average. The numerous song-n-dance routine is taxing on the nerves. Though the story is interesting, I can hardly give you credit for this since it is adapted from Jane Austen’s novel called ‘Pride & Prejudice’.
Mix ‘Pride and Prejudice’ with Racism against Indians and add a dash of Aishwarya’s ambitions to enter Hollywood scene and the result is : Bride & Prejudice. Or ‘Balle balle ; Amritsar to LA’. Wow ! You don’t have much of an imagination when it comes to creating your titles, do you ?
Under usual circumstances, I would have let it pass as another entertaining flick. I would not be saying any of the things which I am going to say now if you had not made statements to the effect of that since your films are seen by more people than Hindi films from Bollywood, so you are playing a greater role in spreading the message about Indian culture.
I am an Indian woman who was born and been brought up in India. I am an Indian daughter, wife and a mother. So how about listening to my opinions about the images you have projected about my country and its ‘culture’.
Image No. 1 : In India, average families have a shrill, gold-digging, incoherent mother with four daughters who sit and wait obsessively for the day they will get married off. The mother looks around manically for a rich man who would help her get rid of her burdens, that is her daughters.
I think of my own mother and countless mothers of daughters all over India who, with quiet strength and determination, are fighting against all odds and educating their daughters and to make them financially and emotionally independent. Mind you, Ms. Chadha, my mother’s daughters are all very successful career women who got married to eminent professionals in their own field without any problems. No burdens. No dowry. And no sleepless nights. If you have difficulty imagining this scenario, then think of Kalpana Chawla. Not heard of her, have you ?
Image No. 2 : India is a country of snake dances, arranged marriages and bindis
I don’t know when you last visited India. I suppose, living in the UK all these years, you have lost touch with your own country. Heard the term ‘Information Technology’ which is moving in leaps and bounds in India ? Does the term ‘Indian Institute of Technology’ strike a chord ? You know about the status of medical research in India ? Did you know that Bill Gates said that IIT is an incredible institution that will have an impact worldwide ? Do you know who is making all this possible ? Not your Aishwarya Rais. It’s the determined middle class people of this country who are doggedly studying and working despite lack of funds and infrastructure, inspiring each other and competing with the giants of the world industry effectively.
Image No. 3 : An average Indian woman is an eager bimbo who dreams of getting married to a rich American man who is prejudiced against India and everything Indian.
Never !! There is no dearth of handsome, capable, intelligent Indian men. No Indian woman would ever dream of marrying an American man, especially who looks at her own country with contempt. Maybe living abroad, you may have developed some sort of inferiority complex due to racism but let me inform you, we do NOT think that way in India. Was it necessary to make Darcy an American who looks down at India? Some sub conscious sadistic leanings here ? Why could he not have been an Indian too ?
I am not a bit surprised to see Ms. Aishwarya Rai enacting this ridiculous role. I can expect this ambitious li’l miss not to think twice about stepping on and bending her country’s back just to get a foothold in the Hollywood.
Your movie makes me think of another movie called ‘Lagaan’ – a masterpiece of a movie which depicted the triumph of human spirit over adversity, also shown with great pride to the world audience. India was shining in that movie. I tried to search for that Indian spirit in your movie and all I could find is a myopic, condescending vision of a barely there Indian who has lost touch of her Indian pride years ago. Really, Ms. Chadha, you may be smiling. But I am not amused.
Yours sincerely,