I first went to see bride and Prejudice down at South West Rocks. I decided to go and see it as I had heard so much about it and I kept seeing advertisements and things advertising about how great it is. I am a Pride & Prejudice , Jane Austen fan and the first time I saw the poster of Bride & Prejudice I told myself that I couldnt imagine the actress playing Lalita could have the temper and character of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice. It turned out as I watched it Lalita was everything that Elizabeth was and maybe more. I loved the dancing and the colours and most especially the Indian traditional dances like the ones Mr Darcy couldnt quite seem to get the hang of. But truly, it is just like screwing in a lightbulb with one hand and patting a dog with the other. Mrs Bakshi is a total crackup!! actually both the mother are. Will Darcys mum too. I loved the part where Mrs bakshi gets up at the engagement party and sings her I am Young while severely embarrasing all the family. This movie kept me glued to tthe screen all the way as I kept making connections between Pride & Prejudice and Bride & Prejudice so I was able to understand it all, but another thing that played a bhig role in keeping me glued was its music, dancing and exciting events. Oh, I adored the clothes too!! I spent days after that working on my Indian dance moves, my sister had an indian party, I dressed up in Indianan clothing and anything else Indian. I love this movie and everytime I watch it I feel like laughing, singing and dancing all at the same time. I love it!!